Hemetech, Inc.
eLearning Institute
Perfusion Technology
Review Series (PTR)
held Spring and Fall before
Perfusion Board Exams!
Register for the next
Perfusion Review Course
via holtdw@gmail.com
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Is this program only for new perfusion grads?
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What if I miss a day (or session)?
The process is REALLY easy! We use GOTO as the live delivery tool. It is a very simple and intuitive package. We also have practice connection sessions before the meeting at various times. This gives you opportunity to make sure your hardware and internet connection works (honestly we've never had one that didn't work!)
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What if I'm not that great with computers?
No! In fact many CCP's have taken the series to refresh those foundation concepts that have become rusty through the years. Additionally, the series can count as Category 2 and/or 3 CEU points without travel! The program will gladly assist you with your necessary documentation!
If you wish! We use the web domain perfusionreview.com to deliver the course content. All notes, resources, practice exams, homework content, reading materials, etc are provided by that website. PDFs will be available from the portal that may be printed if your learning style needs paper copies for notes.
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Are there paper materials associated with the course?
How are the courses taught?
The BSR series is delivered by traditional classroom lecture / student interaction. The CAR series is a problem-based structure to enhance problem solving in clinical scenarios. The Cram session is designed to field advanced last-minute questions as the study session matures. For all series, questions on content are encourage throughout at the time of delivery.
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Yes! Arrangements can be made in 1 to 4 hour blocks for private one-on-one tutor sessions to cover specific areas of interest. It is requested that the student provide either a specific subject of interest or a series of specific questions that help to tailor the study strategy. Also, if you find yourself retaking the board exam, Mr. Holt with work with your results from the previous attempt to help tailor a strategy for specifc success.
Is private tutoring available?
Mr. Holt will work with your to be sure you get the material offered. All events are recorded. Please be aware, you should be committing to your study prep at this late date for the board exams. While refunds are not issued, if you miss a day, you will be offered attendance at future sessions for CEU credit up to 2 years beyond your registration date.